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Onemana Residents and Community Association (ORCA)

Our association takes care of the things that matter to a modern coastal community.

The aims of ORCA are:

  • To assist in the beautifying and development of the Onemana township and surrounding areas for the benefit of all residents and visitors to the area. This involves providing and developing sporting and social amenities for owners and visitors alike.
  • Undertake representations on behalf of members to local, national and other authorities concerning matters affecting the welfare, development or protection of land and property in Onemana.
  • To inform and communicate to members information regarding activities, events and matters of general interest to Onemana.
  • To involve members in sub-committees established to undertake particular tasks where specific skill sets maybe used.

The community relies on the work many residents regularly put into to maintain the village environment, facilities, walks, dunes etc. ORCA calls for working bees from time to time. Volunteers are sought for specific projects in and around the village.

Membership is by way of an annual subscription and submission of an application form to the ORCA (refer form below). There is a committee with members elected at the Annual General Meeting by financial members. The committee is made up of volunteers who are members of the Association.

Committee Members for 2025 are:

Chair:          Rob Andrew
   Kim Mashlan
Treasurer:   Jennie Kingma

Carol Basham, Anna Thomson, Annabelle Couldwell, Ruhi Pene, Christine Moore, Neville Cross, Murray Cruickshank, Bruce Taylor, Sandra Andrew

Older Meeting Minutes can be requested by emailing ratepayersonemana@gmail.com

AGM - 2nd January 2025

TCDC Related Documents

ORCA Membership Information


ORCA membership is available to anyone who has an interest in the Onemana Community.

To join, you can download our membership form (PDF - you will need to print this and complete it, scan and send to ratepayersonemana@gmail.com or post to 124 Tuna Place, Onemana 3691.  Alternatively, you can complete the online form below:  

Membership is just $25.00 per household. You may wish to pay more as a donation to the work that ORCA does; if so, please make a note of this in the message box below, so that we can reconcile your bank payment with your form submission, and issue you a receipt accordingly. Each membership entitles you to 1 vote at the AGM.

Any donations are now tax deductible through IRD. A receipt will be sent for any donations received.

Bank Account: BNZ   02 - 1254 - 0028390 - 000

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Thank you for your application to join ORCA. We will be in touch soon.